I’d been at the Royal Academy looking at the Anish Kapoor exhibition – which left me on the whole ambivalent and slightly deflated, and with offended housewife syndrome to boot! I want to add that there were also two or three joyous pieces. But I did unreservedly enjoy the sculpture in the front courtyard and imagine that many people cloned their own reflection in one of the balls, getting the same result as me…
With the exception of one or two days plus some snow, the outside world was grey. We ventured out to Richmond Park one afternoon and were rewarded with a rare dose of sunshine and blue skies.
Walking along the wide ride which leads up to the Royal Ballet School, I came upon this rose, tucked into the branches of a tree. I wondered whether it signified a sad or happy memory or whether it was just done to boost the joys of warm colours, which we have been missing.
Somehow, the sun and the colour of the sky heightened the colours in the woods too.
On the homeward trail I came upon this ancient tree stump, covered in hoar frost and wondered whether any small animal had burrowed its way inside for shelter, as the middle seemed to be stuffed with dry bracken leaves.
As the shadows lengthened, we made our way back home, feeling revitalised after so many long, dreary days under a grey blanket.